Cleaning & Sanitizing

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Cleaning & Sanitizing

Cleaning & Sanitizing Services

When a fire breaks out at your home or place of business, putting it out is only your first priority. Afterwards you will also need to deal with the destruction caused by the fire. Working with a professional team equipped to handle all your cleaning and removal jobs is the easy way to put a bad situation behind you

cleaning and sanitizing

Water damage within a building threatens the structural integrity of the home. In addition, flooding or standing water within a home or office can lead to mold growth within the building. Our professionals can remove standing water, remediate the damage and check for resulting mold growth.

With the devastation caused by a fire, you’re likely faced with seemingly endless tasks to get your home or business back in operation

Tri State is not only here to help with home repair, drying, dehumidification, but our team will also help your home and business recover with debris pick-up and removal.

Effective Response
Customer Satisfaction
Trained Staff
Our Expertise

Removal and Disposal

In many cases the effects of fire damage cannot be reversed. That means following a fire, you may have a lot of stuff to get rid of. This can include furniture, carpets, documents, and even building materials. This job is a major undertaking and not one that most people want to or are equipped to handle on their own.

Comprehensive Cleanup

Fire leads to certain types of destruction and the response to the fire leads to even more. Afterwards a structure can be suffering from extensive smoke damage, leave standing water in a space, and require comprehensive cleanup before the restoration process can begin.

+ 0
Years of Expertise

Experience and Expertise

The effects of a fire can linger long term and hide in places you would never expect. That is why the average cleanup is not adequate. Without the proper effort, smells and symptoms of the fire can stick around long after it has been put out.

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Fast Response

Unfortunately, the damage is not necessarily done just because the fire has been put out. If the effects of the fire are not dealt with in a timely manner they can have a greater negative impact on a space. This is especially true if standing water is involved. In any circumstance, you will want to contact a professional cleanup and removal crew as soon as you possibly can.
