
Furniture Damage Restoration

Furniture Damage Restoration   

If your furniture has been damaged by a disaster like a fire or flood, consider restoration services to salvage the pieces you love.

Furniture restoration involves deep cleaning and repairing damaged furniture to return these pieces to their original state. You may need to hire professionals for furniture restoration if pieces have been damaged by smoke, soot, mold or water and you want to keep items you value.

Our highly trained and knowledgeable technicians can restore furniture damaged by any type of disaster. If you’re in the Tri-State area and need restoration services ASAP, we’re here for you at Tristate Fire Water Smoke. 

How to Get Your Furniture Restored

The first step in furniture restoration is determining which pieces you want to restore. Consider how valuable the piece is to you, how badly it’s been damaged and what your insurance policy covers. It’s best to contact a professional restoration company to assess the damage and recommend solutions.

At Tristate Fire Water Smoke, we understand how much your furniture means to you, whether you have antique heirlooms or a favorite chair. Disasters like fires and floods can severely damage wooden and upholstered furniture, but in many cases, pieces can be saved if taken care of promptly.

We’re here for you 24/7 and will arrive quickly to begin our restoration process.

Our Furniture Restoration Process

After we arrive at your location, we’ll evaluate the extent of the damage and provide an estimate. We’ll listen to your concerns and needs and ensure we’ve answered any questions you have.

Once you’ve agreed to begin the restoration process, we’ll act quickly to restore and repair damaged furniture to prevent further damage. We’re also happy to remove damaged furniture you do not wish to restore.

Our trained technicians have the skills, knowledge and equipment to perform the following tasks efficiently:

  • Furniture padding and fabric restoration
  • Restoration of furniture damaged by water or mold
  • Repair and restoration of furniture damaged by flames, smoke and soot

Using specialized equipment, cleaning solutions, and upholstery and woodworking tools, we can thoroughly dry wet furniture and remove soot, odors or mold. We’ll also take care of repairing any structural damage that may have occurred.

We aim to return your furniture to its pre-disaster condition and have it back to you quickly and seamlessly so you can move on with your life.

We’ll also work directly with your insurance company to support your claim and help minimize the cost of furniture restoration. 

Damaged Furniture Restoration Near You

Experiencing a disaster at home is extremely distressing. A disaster disrupts your life and leaves you with a pile of tasks to complete — in addition to handling grief and loss.

We understand the hardship that comes with a disaster and its aftermath. That’s why we strive to be more than just a restoration company. Our goal is to reduce your stress and ease your burden while working to bring your home and belongings back to their original states.

If you’re in New Jersey, New York City or the surrounding areas and need restoration services, reach out to us. We’re available 24/7.
